Ercros improves the ebitda for 2019 nine months

The gross operating result («ebitda») obtained by Ercros in the third quarter of 2019 was EUR 16.75 million, 11.7% higher than in the same period of the previous year, and slightly higher than ebitda of the second quarter of 2019 (+1.7%). Even despite the fact that, for seasonal reasons (inclusion of the summer vacation period), the third quarters tend to have a lower ebitda than the second ones.
Behind this improvement in ebitda we have, on the one hand, the increase in sales volume and, on the other, the largest contribution due to the sharp fall in the price of the main procurements and supplies (EDC, electricity and methanol) compared to a more moderate fall in the price of final products (caustic soda, PVC and polyols).
Regarding to the overall first nine months of the year, ebitda –amounting to EUR 46.46 million– has been 24.1% lower than that achieved in the same period of 2018.
Income statements for the 2019 and 2018 first nine months
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