
We manage the prevention and health of people in accordance with internationally approved standards.

A certified management

Ercros, as a company that has signed the Luxembourg Declaration, is committed to integrating the basic principles of occupational health promotion into its business strategy, implementing the objectives of occupational health promotion beyond those set by legislation and following the framework in managing the health of the people it employs.

All Ercros factories have a management system that includes occupational health and safety, which complies with the ISO 45001 standard specification.

They are also accredited with the healthy organization management system (Sigos), which includes aspects of prevention in people's health and influences healthy lifestyle habits.

We measure the accident rate of our own and external personnel by means of standardised indicators, which enable us to be aware of the accident rate and its evolution over time, and to compare ourselves with other companies in our sector. All accidents are analysed to see if they can lead to improvements in procedures, safety measures or facilities.

Major multi-emergency drill in Almussafes
Financial year 2023

Prevention figures

Ercros' efforts to raise awareness of accident prevention and people's health are reflected in the following data.

6,548,097 €

Expenditure on prevention


Prevention certified activity


Prevention campaigns conducted


Prevention courses delivered

Evolution of the accident frequency rate

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Awards and recognitions

Our commitment to occupational health and safety has been publicly recognised.

Feique, Federación empresarial de la industria química española

Safety Award

The chemical industry rewards production sites that have had no accidents in the past year.
Placa Francesc Macià

President Macià Work Plaque

Ercros has been awarded the President Macià Work Medal by the Generalitat de Catalunya in the category of health and safety at work.
Declaración de Luxemburgo

Luxembourg Declaration

The National Institute for Safety, Health and Wellbeing at Work has awarded Ercros the Luxembourg Declaration, by which it undertakes to integrate the basic principles of health promotion at work.