Ercros hosts the Formacare general assembly


Ercros has participated in the organization of the general assembly of Formacare, which in this occasion has been held in Barcelona. The company has acted as host of the meeting of the association that brings together 98% of formaldehyde producers from the European Union and Norway.

In the assembly, the main challenges and novelties of formaldehyde have been discussed, in particular, a new study on sensory irritation has been reported, the results of which will be announced in mid-2023.

On behalf of Ercros, the meeting was attended by Enric Montserrat, director of the intermediate chemicals division; Luis Ignacio Cerdà, commercial director of the division; Roger Pascual, product manager for formaldehyde and resins, and Jaume Morató, product manager for polyols and sodium formate.

Formaldehyde is one of the basic organic compounds, which is used as a raw material to make a wide range of chemicals. Ercros is the leading manufacturer in Spain and the fifth in Europe of this product, which it produces at its factories in Almussafes and Tortosa.

Formacare is part of the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic), promotes the safe use of formaldehyde and manufacturing in accordance with the strictest health and safety standards.