Ercros participates in the CPhI Worldwide pharmaceuticals event in Milan
Del 9 al 11 de noviembre en la Feria de Milán | Stand 18K13

Ercros will participate with its own stand at the international pharmaceutical event CPhI Worldwide, which will be held in Milan from 9 to 11 November and which, after last year forced stop, will be the scenario of the in-person reunion of the world pharmaceutical sector.
At its stand, Ercros will present the products from the pharmaceuticals division, which are manufactured entirely in the Aranjuez factory (Spain) and of which 92% is intended for export to more than 70 countries around the world.
Ercros' pharmaceuticals division is dedicated to the manufacture of generic active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), mainly antibiotics and, to a lesser extent, anti-hypertensive and anti-ulcer. The activity focuses on the biological manufacture of APIs by fermentation, but the division also produces APIs by chemical synthesis and sterile products, with highly complex processes that make Ercros a world leader in its area of expertise.
It should be noted that throughout 2022 Ercros plans to incorporate new APIs from the antibiotic family into its production as a result of the start up of expansion and improvement projects at its facilities.
All the APIs produced by Ercros are authorized by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and most of them also by the FDA, the US agency for the production and sale of medicines; these accreditations allow the sale of medicines in the most demanding markets in the world.
As is required in every pharmaceutical company, Ercros has proven compliance with the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) manufacturing standards, which includes the distribution standard, Good Distribution Practices (GDP), by the EMA.