The Almussafes factory donates 280 kilos of food to Cáritas

Ramón Collado, director de la fábrica, y Xelo Aranda, jefa de relaciones industriales, han sido los encargados de hacer la entrega de los alimentos recogidos a la representante de Cáritas
The director of the factory and the head of industrial relations have been in charge of delivering the food

The workers at the Almussafes de Ercros factory have collected 280 kilos of food and hygiene products that they have given to Cáritas to care for the most vulnerable families in the territory.

The solidarity food collection, organized by the Association of Companies of Parks and Industrial Estates Ribera Baja (APPI), has had the support of the works council of the factory and the company, which has added a kilo of food for each kilo picked up.

Ramón Collado, director of the factory, and Xelo Aranda, head of industrial relations, have been in charge of delivering the collected food to the APPI representative.