Aranjuez, Cerdanyola, Flix, Sabiñánigo and Tortosa awarded for their security

The Report on occupational accidents in the chemical sector, prepared by Feique, confirms Ercros's good results in terms of safety
Barcelona, October 9, 2020. - The Ercros factories in Aranjuez, Cerdanyola, Flix, Sabiñánigo and Tortosa have been awarded the Feique Safety Award 2019 granted by the Business Federation of the Spanish Chemical Industry (Feique). This award recognizes the production centres of the chemical industry with more than 50 workers that during the year have not registered accidents with or without leave among their own personnel.
In 2019, the general accident frequency index -which measures accidents with and without sick leave per million hours worked- of Ercros was 2.5, a figure much lower than the average of the companies associated to Feique in that period.
The commitment of all the people who work in the company explains the good Ercros performance in job security; the 2019 annual safety campaign, under the slogan "Safety, a common goal of all of us working in this centre" emphasized the importance of coordination between all the companies that work in the factories, regardless of whether they belong to our own staff or are external personnel.
The Ercros factory in Aranjuez (Madrid) belongs to the pharmaceuticals division, the Flix (Tarragona) and Sabiñánigo (Huesca) factories belong to the chlorine derivatives division and the Cerdanyola (Barcelona) and Tortosa (Tarragona) factories belong to the intermediate chemicals division.