Chemical engineering students from Rey Juan Carlos University visit Aranjuez


A group of 30 students of the Chemical Engineering Degree from the Rey Juan Carlos University, accompanied by their professors, have visited the facilities of the Ercros factory in Aranjuez.

During the visit to the factory, the students were able to tour different areas and production plants, as well as the laboratories, the treatment plant, service areas and the warehouse.

The group of students highly valued the visit to the Ercros facilities as they were able to see equipment and facilities on an industrial scale that until now they had only seen in the university's laboratory or pilot plant.

The activity of the Aranjuez factory, headquarters of the Ercros pharmaceuticals division, focuses on the production of raw materials and API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients), mainly antibiotics. It has a staff of more than 200 people and exports more than 90% of its production.