Ercros, awarded for its safety in the workplace

The Ercros factories in Aranjuez and Tortosa have been awarded the Feique 2023 Safety Award by the Spanish Chemical Industry Business Federation (Feique) for not having had any accidents among its own staff in 2022. In the case of the Tortosa factory, this is the fourth consecutive year in which it has been awarded this prize.
Feique awards this prize to production centres in the chemical industry that have more than 50 workers and have managed to maintain a zero overall frequency rate during last year, which means that they have not had any occupational accidents, either with or without sick leave, among their staff.
This achievement has been achieved thanks to the dedication of the people who work in these factories, as well as the numerous actions and activities carried out to improve the safety of both people and facilities. All Ercros centres have their occupational health and safety management system certified in accordance with the ISO 45001:2018 standard, a certification that is renewed annually.
The Aranjuez plant is part of the pharmaceutical division, while the Tortosa plant belongs to Ercros' intermediate chemicals division.