Ercros participates in the "Expoquimia on the road" program in Barcelona

Ercros will participate on November 25 in the “Expoquimia on the road” program, a platform of conferences and activities promoted by Expoquimia, the main fair in the sector, which will be held in Barcelona from June 2 to 5, 2020.
In the name d'Ercros, the person in charge of R+D+i of the pharmaceutical division, Marisa Díez Escanciano, will participate in the round table "Sciència, tecnologia i indústria química. Designing the future».
At the meeting, it is going to insist on the need for chemical companies to work, in research and technology centers, efficient in order to find solutions that respond to current reptes and comply with the objectives of sustainable development (SDG), contribute in turn, the growth and expansion of the companies themselves.