Ercros participates in a radio talk show to promote chemistry studies

Ercros has participated in a gathering of the space 'Estudia a la URV', of Ràdio Ciutat de Tarragona and the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, in which the participants have addressed the subject of the chemistry degree in English.
Belén Brota, head of the technical department of quality and environment of the chlorine derivatives division of the Tarragona complex, participated as a representative of Ercros, who focused on the subject from the point of view of the company.
The degree of chemistry in English, according to the faculty itself and donating the great name of companies in the chemical sector to the demarcation, allows 85% of the students who take the course to achieve feina any time after graduating.
Together with Belén Brota, the person in charge of the chemistry degree in English, Xavi López; the person in charge of the technical direction of laboratories and quality management of the Consorci d'Aigües de Tarragona, Josepa Fàbregas, and a student of the chemistry degree, Thiago Gilmartín.