Ercros renews its Responsible Company certificate

Ercros has renewed the Responsible Company CSR certification of the Responsible Care program, an initiative of the global chemical industry promoted in Spain by the Business Federation of the Spanish Chemical Industry ("Feique").
This certificate guarantees the business commitment to sustainability and social responsibility, and compliance with a series of requirements in terms of safety, health and environmental protection.
Additionally, Ercros' commitment, embodied in compliance with the indicators recommended in the Feique CSR Application Guide in the Chemical and Life Sciences Sector, has been verified by the certifying company Bureau Veritas, which has awarded Ercros a rating from Responsible Care CSR Company evaluated in accordance with an Excellent level.
Ercros is a benchmark company in the application of the international Responsible Care program, to which it has adhered since 1994, a voluntary initiative that is already applied in 580 companies in more than 70 countries around the world and that is based on an inclusive vision of the legitimate development of the productive activity of chemical companies together with the contribution of this industry to social welfare and sustainable development.