Ercros supports the dual education of the Chemistry degree at the URV

Ercros and the Rovira i Virgili University (URV) have reached an agreement whereby the company undertakes to support the dual training program for the Chemistry degree that will be taught, starting in the 2021-2022 academic year, at the Faculty of Chemistry from the University of Tarragona.
Joan Miquel Capdevila, director of the Ercros industrial complex in Tarragona, has been in charge of signing the letter of commitment with the URV. An agreement by which Ercros undertakes: to offer at least one annual internship place for a Chemistry degree student; to provide technical personnel from the company to give classes; to participate in the mixed university-company commission that will monitor the program; and to promote the training of professional tutors who will be in charge of the training activities organized by the URV.