The factory in Almussafes, awarded for its job security

The Ercros factory in Almussafes has been awarded the Feique 2020 Safety Award, given by the Business Federation of the Spanish Chemical Industry (Feique) for not having had any accidents among its own personnel throughout 2020.
This good result in terms of safety is due, to a large extent, to the involvement of the people who work in the factory and to the periodic awareness campaigns that are carried out.
This centre has the environmental management certified according to the ISO 14001 standard; the management of occupational safety according to the ISO 45001 standard; quality management according to ISO 9001; and has its CO2 emissions verified according to the ISO 14064 standard. The Almussafes factory is part of the intermediate chemicals division. It directly employs 109 people and in 2020 had a turnover of almost 60 million euros. It exports 65% of its production and is the world leader in the paraformaldehyde market.
Almussafes also produces the range of green resins, ErcrosGreen+, whose emission level is similar to that of natural wood, and the range of technical resins, Ercros Tech, intended for high-performance applications (decorative laminates, coatings of cans for food use, etc.).