Monzón and Sabiñánigo renew their Aragón Social Responsibility seal

The Ercros factories in Sabiñánigo and Monzón have renewed the Aragón Social Responsibility (RSA) seal, a recognition granted by the Government of Aragón together with the CEOE and Cepime employers associations and the UGT and CC.OO. unions.
The communication manager of the Monzón factory, Mª Carmen Bestregui, was in charge of collecting the certificate on behalf of both centres. The RSA seal recognizes those companies that in their performance carry out good practices in social responsibility, work with transparency, promote training and are committed to their environment.
The Sabiñánigo and Monzón factories belong to the Ercros chlorine derivatives division; the first is the leading European manufacturer of tablets for disinfection of swimming pool water and also produces, among others, chlorine, caustic soda, sodium chlorate and chlorite. Monzón, for its part, is dedicated to the research and production of PVC compounds.