The Tarragona complex improves the quality of its products by 41%

The Ercros Tarragona complex -which includes the Vila-seca I, Vila-seca II and Tarragona factories- improved its quality index by 41% in 2019. This index measures the number of tons of products affected by nonconformities over the number of tons sold. In the case of the complex, 99.8% of the manufactured products were considered optimal by its customers.
In environmental matters, the Tarragona complex reduced its CO2 emissions by 7% compared to the average of the last five years; a reflection of Ercros' involvement in the fight against climate change.
In 2019, at Ercros as a whole, the general accident frequency rate – which measures accidents between its own and external personnel (with and without sick leave) for every million hours worked – fell by 36% compared to the previous year and stood at the lowest value in the last 10 years.
The Tarragona industrial complex belongs to the Ercros chlorine derivatives division. The Vila-seca I factory produces chlorine, caustic soda and their inorganic derivatives, with applications in the textile, food, detergent, agricultural and paper sectors. In 2019, the expansion of chlorine production capacity was completed to reach 172,000 t/year, which placed it as the main manufacturer of this product in Spain.
The Vila-seca II center is dedicated to the manufacture of PVC, in the process of which part of the chlorine produced in Vila-seca I is consumed. For its part, the Tarragona center is dedicated to providing services to other companies in the southern polygon of Tarragona.
The Tarragona complex is registered in the European EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) registry. Likewise, it has approved its environmental management system, according to the ISO 14001 standard; quality, according to the ISO 9001 standard; prevention, according to the OHSAS 18001 standard (in the process of migrating to ISO 45001); and energy management, according to standard 50001.
Ercros' performance in all aspects of sustainability has earned it the Platinum classification awarded by the EcoVadis international rating, obtaining a score of 77 out of 100. With this score, Ercros is among the 1% of companies with this rating. better compliance with environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) criteria.