We participate in a panel on mental health in companies

Rafael Mancho, vice-president of the Association of Entrepreneurs of Monzón-Cinca Medio and head of the Ercros factory in Monzón, moderated the panel "Mentally healthy companies", organised by the association.
The speakers at the panel were Ana Cóbreces, provincial deputy director of subsidies of the INSS; Marta Puyuelo, psychologist at the Asepeyo mutual insurance company; Eduardo Martínez, provincial director of the MAZ mutual insurance company; Lucía Gracia, clinical psychologist at SEAP polyclinics, and Yolanda García, provincial director of Quirón Prevención.
Mental disorders currently occupy the second place in temporary disability processes in companies. A pathology that is on the rise, mainly among those under 35 years of age, so it is expected that by 2050 it will be the main occupational health problem. The speakers assured that, given the high cost that these diseases have for the health system in Spain - it exceeds 6,000 million euros per year - it is necessary to increase the resources allocated to their prevention and cure.
A key factor in the management of companies is studies of psychosocial risks of workers. The speakers recommended that companies, in this sense, promote the culture of effort and teach stress management, emotional agility and active listening.
The Ercros factory in Monzón is part of the chlorine derivatives division and, like the rest of the company's work centres, its occupational health and safety system is accredited according to the ISO 45001 standard and its management system for the health and well-being of its workforce according to the Sigos standard.