Iberquimia awards Ercros for its commitment to sustainability

Iberquimia has recognized the sustainable behaviour of Ercros by awarding it the Sustainability Award, within the framework of the third edition of the Chemical Industry Congress, Iberquimia, in Tarragona.
The award was received on behalf of Ercros by Chantal Coll, director of sustainable development at Ercros, and Belén Brota, head of the technical, quality and environment department of the Tarragona industrial complex (“CIT”), who were accompanied by Martí Hortós and José Ignacio. Valero, from the corporation's R&D team, participants in the Congress.
This recognition highlights Ercros' work in implementing policies that are in line with the 17 sustainable development goals ("SDGs") contained in the UN 2030 Agenda.
For more information on sustainability management at Ercros click here.