Sebastián Espino, R+D director, in a conference on decarbonisation

Sebastián Espino, R+D director of Ercros, has participated in the round table "Challenges faced by industry in the framework of decarbonisation", organised by FI Group in the Port of Tarragona. The conference was attended by experts in the development of alternative technologies to the use of fossil fuels, and in the industrial applications of these technologies.
Sebastián Espino explained the actions carried out by Ercros to mitigate the climate change generated by its activity, specifically the increase in the energy efficiency of production plants, the change to non-fossil fuels and electrification, in line with its commitment to the European Green Deal and the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC). Decarbonisation is one of the three lines of action of the company's strategic investment plan, the 3D Plan.
Likewise, Espino called on the administration to provide public incentives to promote investments in decarbonisation, which will allow companies to maintain their competitiveness in markets where actors with lower energy costs and without the environmental requirements of the European Union participate.