Shareholder remuneration policy

Ercros is committed to shareholder remuneration and reflects its commitment in a policy that renews upon expiry

Shareholder remuneration policy (in Spanish)

The policy envisages the payment of a payout of up to 50 %

In accordance with the current shareholder remuneration policy, in force during the period 2021-2024, shareholder remuneration is carried out through the purchase of treasury shares for redemption and the payment of dividends.

Ercros will remunerate its shareholders with a maximum payout of 50% of the profit for the financial years 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024, provided that the following conditions are met:

  1. The Company obtains a minimum profit of 10 million euros.
  2. At the end of the financial year to which the remuneration refers, the following ratios must be met
    • Net financial debt/ordinary EBITDA less than or equal to 2; and
    • Net financial debt/equity less than or equal to 0.5.

The repurchase of treasury shares for redemption is carried out provided that a dividend of at least: 18% of 2021 profit; 20% of 2022 profit; 22% of 2023 profit; and 24% of 2024 profit is distributed.

The current shareholder remuneration policy was approved by the board of directors on 03-05-2022 and ratified by the shareholders' meeting on 10-06-2022.

      Shareholder remuneration policy (2021-2024)

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      The amount allocated to the repurchase of own shares for redemption is subject to the percentage of the payout that is allocated to the distribution of the dividend, as both items may not exceed 50% of the payout for each year.