Environmental management

We prevent and control the effects of industrial activity on the environment

Vista de la fábrica de Sabiñánigo

We act with a vision for sustainability

The environmental management model we apply at Ercros aims to protect the environment and prevent the potential negative effects of industrial activity on the environment.

This model is based on the incorporation of sustainable criteria in business decision-making; the identification of risks; and the elimination of the impacts of our activity on the environment (when this is not possible, we control, monitor and try to reduce them).

In order to reduce water, atmospheric, noise and light pollution, and to use energy and raw materials more rationally, we implement the most advanced technology in our production processes and continuously incorporate improvements in them.

Based on the unavoidable obligation to comply with legislation, our commitment goes further. Our facilities are governed by approved environmental certification standards; we adhere to voluntary good practice programmes; and we invest to improve environmental protection.

Ercros continuously improves its processes to reduce emissions.
Ercros continuously improves its processes to reduce emissions.

We certify our environmental practices

The environmental management system, implemented in all our factories, is based on the ISO 14001:2015 standard.

Every year, an accredited external company verifies compliance with this and the other environmental reference standards we apply: the ISO 14064 standard for quantifying CO2 emissions, and the ISO 5001 standard for energy management.

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Partnerships to achieve our goals

We are members of good environmental practice programmes and associations that help us to promote them.

Logo Responsible Care, Compromiso con el Desarrollo Sostenible

Responsible Care

Global Chemical Industry's Best Practice Programme.
Logo Global Compact empresa adherida

Global Compact

UN-driven programme containing 10 principles for action.
Programa para el desarrollo sostenible del sector de los vinilos

Vinyl plus

Commitment of the European PVC industry to implement good practices.
Operation Clean Sweep

Operation Clean Sweep

EU programme to prevent microplastics from ending up in the aquatic environment.
Logo Envalora


System to facilitate legislation on packaging in the chemical and plastics sector, among others.
Logo RE4 Industry

RE4Industry project

For 100% a renewable energy for the electro-intensive industry.
Generalitat de Catalunya

Climate action commitments

Initiative of the Generalitat de Catalunya to achieve CO2 neutrality by 2050.
Logo Fundación empresa y clima

Empresa & Clima Foundation

Organisation that works for business leadership in the fight against climate change.
Plataforma Hidrógeno Verde Cataluña Sur

Green Hydrogen Platform Southern Catalonia

Lobby to implement the production and use of green hydrogen.