Chloroisocyanurates (TCCA and NaDCC)
Ercros is the first European manufacturer of NaDCC, the active ingredient in swimming pool water treatment tablets
Ercros: a benchmark in the TCCA market
Ercros is a world leader in the market for chloroisocyanurates, a family of products that it has been manufacturing since 1973.
We are currently the largest European manufacturer of these products, which we produce according to a proprietary formula developed in-house.
We have two types of chloroisocyanurates, which we market under the brand names Delsa and Bluei:
- Trichloroisocyanuric acid (TCCA).
Sodium dichloroisocyanurate (NaDCC).
Due to their characteristics, our tabletsto treat swimming pool water add value to chloroisocyanurates, since:
- They have technological improvements that guarantee the well-being and safety of swimming pool users.
- They are free of boric acid, thus anticipating a future change in European regulations.
- They can incorporate additives by means of microencapsulation, which allows a single tablet to disinfect the pool water and repel insects or give off the scent of rose, lavender or marine freshness.
- They are manufactured in a fully integrated production process, from basic raw materials (chlorine and caustic soda) also manufactured by Ercros.
- A part of the production is directed to the industrial market in large containers, under its corresponding chemical name, and the rest is marketed in ready-to-use containers, under the Azuli and Delsa brands or under the customer's own brand.
What are they for?
Chloroisocyanurates are mainly used:
- For the disinfection, treatment and maintenance of swimming pool water.
However, they are also used:
- For the formulation of detergents, bleaches and cleaning products.
- For the treatment of water in open cooling towers.
An R&D team is exclusively dedicated to innovate and improve our chloroisocyanurates.
Our tablets offer unique advantages in the market

We have patented a new technology that allows us to disinfect pool water and add additives (insect repellent, aromas and colours) in a single tablet.

We have a range of TCCA tablets free of boric acid, a lubricant used for the compaction of chlorine tablets that the European Chemicals Agency is considering including on the list of substances of very high concern (ECHA).

The multifunctional bilayer tablets consist of a thin, fast-dissolving blue layer -suitable for shock chlorination of the pool water- and a thick, slow-dissolving white layer -for maintenance- both with disinfectant action.

The new packaging box for TCCA tablets has UN approval, it is made with cardboard from responsible sources, 100% recyclable and the material of its inner bag is recycled plastic.
The perfect balance for your pool
In 1975, Ercros launched the Delsa brand, which has a complete range of products - in tablet, powder, granulated, tablet or block formats and in various sizes - to solve any problem related to your pool:
- Shock treatments (rapid disinfectant).
- Maintenance treatments (slow disinfectant).
- Multifunction treatments (slow disinfectant).
- pH level regulators and meters.
- Flocculants.
- Algaecides.
- Descalers.
- Anti-limescale.
- Winterisers.
- Chlorine stabilisers.
All Delsa products
Solutions for your pool
Ercros has been marketing a range of swimming pool water treatment products under the Azuli brand since 1990.
Azuli has products - in tablet, powder, granulated, tablet or block formats and in various sizes - able to solve any problem related to your pool:
- Shock treatments (fast disinfectant).
- Maintenance treatments (slow disinfectant).
- Multipurpose treatments (slow disinfectant).
- pH level regulators and meters.
- Flocculants.
- Algaecides.
- Descalers.
- Anti-limescale.
- Winterisers.
- Chlorine stabilisers.
All Azuli products
About water treatment
- The pool water must be colourless, transparent, and visually and biologically clean.
- Chlorine is the product that disinfects pool water and keeps it clean during the bathing season. For each type of treatment (initial, maintenance, etc.), Ercros has a wide range of chlorinated products with specific characteristics (see section "Chlorine suitable for each use").
- The pH (potential hydrogen) is also essential to keep the pool within healthy parameters, as it influences the balance of the water.
- Both chlorine and pH can be mismatched depending on several factors, so they must be monitored periodically and, if necessary, readjusted (see sections "Factors that alter the water balance" and "Controlling and adjusting pH and chlorine").
- A treatment to keep the water and the swimming pool vessel in optimal conditions also includes other additives (see sections "Multifunction maintenance treatment" and "What is the function of the disinfectant, algaecide, flocculant, anti-limescale, descaler and stabilizer?").
- Make sure that the water level always reaches at least half of the skimmer so that the water filter system works properly, and the products are dissolved and distributed to the water.
- How the swimming pool is used and the number of people bathing in it. Hair, sweat, sunscreen, etc. are elements that dirty the water.
- High temperatures and the sun’s action, that accelerate the degradation of chlorine, activate algae, and cause water to evaporate.
- The wind that carries leaves, dust, and other debris, that cloud the water.
- Rain and storms, that bring acidity and cloud the water.
- A balanced water must have neutral pH (around 7 on a scale of 0 to 14). However, the pH varies depending on the type of water (acid or alkaline) and other effects (see section "Factors that alter the water balance"). An unbalanced pH causes chlorine to stop working effectively, algae may appear and the water becomes green and cloudy, and can cause irritation to the skin, eyes and mucous membranes of users, damage swimwear and damage the swimming pool metal parts. Therefore, it is essential to have the pH well controlled.
- To control the pH daily, collect a water sample at half height from the swimming pool vessel with a test-kit. The colour of the water in the pH indicator must be that of the area indicated in the test instructions (7.2 and 7.6). If it is below, it means that the water is too acidic so you must add a pH increaser product, such as Delsabase, to rebalance it. If it is above, it is a sign that the water is too alkaline and needs a pH reducing product, such as Acidelsa. Whether you add increaser or reducer, incorporate the product dissolved in water directly to the surface or to the skimmer, then start the filter system for about 8 hours, preferably at night, collect a sample of water again and see if the indicator is already within the indicated parameters (perform the operation until it is in the correct colour area).
- As chlorine is a volatile product, periodically you must add new product to the skimmer or, if the swimming pool is not polyester, painted or liner, add directly to the water. This way you will maintain the chlorine concentration at optimal values for it to be effective.
- The dose of chlorine depends on many factors. Read the label on the packaging. As a guideline, in a 50 m3 capacity swimming pool, for shock treatment add 500 gr of Delsaclor 55 –granulated fast chlorine– or 25 tablets of fast chlorine Isodelsa 20R. For maintenance treatment, the dose and frequency will be determined by the periodic control of the water.
- To control the chlorine concentration, use the same water sample that you used to control the pH in the test-kit. In this case, the water colour of the chlorine indicator must be in the area indicated in the test instructions (0.5 and 2.0). If it is below, add more chlorine, start the filter system for about 8 hours, collect a water sample again and check if the indicator is correct (perform the operation until it is within the appropriate colour area). If it is above, stop adding chlorine -the sun naturally breaks down chlorine and, consequently, lowers its concentration in the water-, control the water daily until the indicator is in the correct area.
- The dissolution of tablets in the skimmer is not an indicator that the level of chlorine in the water is exhausted. There can be several reasons why tablets dissolve, but the chlorine level is high, and until the level drops, it is not advisable to add more tablets. You should only add new tablets if the control with the test-kit indicates a low chlorine concentration.
Shock treatment:
- Do it at the beginning of the season, after filling the swimming pool with water or when the water presents severe problems (see section "Problems that may arise").
- Use fast disinfectant chlorine, such as Delsaclor 55 (granulated) or Isodelsa 20R (tablets), in the dose and instructions explained in the section "Controlling and adjusting pH and chlorine".
Maintenance treatment:
- Do it daily during the bathing season to maintain the proper concentration of chlorine.
- Use slow disinfectant chlorine, such as Delsaclor 90 (powder), Delsaclor GR 90 (granulated), Isodelsa 200 (tablet) and Isodelsa 500 (block), with the dose and periodicity depending on the daily control of the water.
Multifunction maintenance treatment:
In a single treatment, in addition to providing chlorine to disinfect the water, the products of this range incorporate additives that fulfil other functions necessary for cleaning the water and the pool vessel, and the proper functioning of the filter system and equipment:- Isodelsa TA (tablets), contains slow disinfectant chlorine, algaecide, and flocculant.
- Isodelsa 5+1 bilayer (tablets), contains slow and fast disinfectant chlorine, algaecide, flocculant, and stabilizer.
- Isodelsa multifunction bilayer (tablets), contains slow disinfectant chlorine, algaecide, flocculant, anti-limescale and stabilizer.
- Isodelsa 200 geraniol (tablets), contains slow disinfectant chlorine with insect repellent.
- Disinfectant –like all the products indicated in the section "Chlorine suitable for each use"– destroys the microorganisms (fungi, bacteria, germs...) that are in the water and makes it suitable from the sanitary point of view.
- Algaecide –such as concentrated liquid Algidelsa, diluted liquid Algidelsa or non-foaming liquid Algidelsa– prevents the algae formation and helps in their elimination. At the beginning of the season pour the dissolved product in water over the entire pool surface, in a proportion of 1 litter of concentrated Algidelsa for a 50 m3 swimming pool, 2 litters in other cases. The maintenance dose is ½ litter once a week of concentrated product and 1 litter if diluted. In both cases, after treatment, start the filter system for about 8 hours.
- Flocculant, –such as liquid Delsafloc or Delsafloc S in cartridges– concentrates the microscopic solid particles suspended in water and joins them together to form larger particles that are deposited at the bottom so that they can be filtered by the filter system or with the bottom cleaner. Flocculant promotes water transparency. Use it when the swimming pool water is cloudy. In the case of liquid Delsafloc, depending on the turbidity of the water, put between 200 and 700 ml for a 50 m3 pool directly into the vessel or the skimmer; in the case of Delsafloc S, put 1 cartridge in the skimmer. In both cases, start the filter system for about 8 hours and let the water rest before using the bottom cleaner.
- Anti-limescale –like Decadelsa– prevents calcium and magnesium salt precipitation from forming, prevents water turbidity and incrustations in pool walls and in pipes and filters of the filter system. It is advisable to undergo a treatment at the beginning of the season, another in the middle of the season and a third before hibernation. Pour the product diluted in water directly in the vessel in a proportion of 1 litter for a 50 m3 pool and put the filter system running for 8 hours to dilute it.
- The descaler –like Delsalimp– cleans lime incrustations and other adhesions that may have appeared in the swimming pool vessel during the off season. Before filling the pool, wait about 5 minutes and rinse with plenty of water.
- The stabilizer –such as Delsazin– prevents the chlorine degradation in the water caused by the sun and its evaporation, which prolongs the disinfectant action of chlorine. At the beginning of the season, add it diluted directly into the water or the skimmer in a proportion of 150 gr for a 50 m3 pool, put the filter system running for 8 hours.
- These presentations, in their solution, contain isocyanuric acid that provides chlorine stabilization, which makes water disinfection more effective.
- They are stable in storage; their handling is safe and can be dosed adjusted to the amount required by the water.
- In the case of tablets –in addition to chlorine to disinfect and isocyanuric acid to stabilize chlorine– they can incorporate other additives that facilitate water cleaning (see sections "Multifunction maintenance treatment" and "What is the function of the disinfectant, algaecide, flocculant, anti-limescale, descaler and stabilizer?").
- In both cases the water disinfection is carried out by chlorine.
- In treatment with tablets or granulates, chlorine is formed when the product is dissolved in water.
- In the salt electrolysis, chlorine is formed, in situ, in the electrolyser.
- Saline electrolysis provides the necessary chlorine for disinfection. This chlorine is dissolved in water exactly as if it is added in another format.
- The additional treatments that must be carried out in the swimming pool to keep the water in optimal conditions (pH modifiers, algaecides, flocculants, etc.) must be added separately to the water.
At each season
If you keep the pool water from previous seasons (recommended):
- Go directly to the step "Initial treatment of swimming pool water".
If you had to empty the pool:
- To remove limestone incrustations, rub the walls with Delsalimp, wait about 5 minutes and rinse the surfaces with plenty of water. Rub the vessel again with a mixture of 10 cc of Algidelsa per 1 litter of water and let dry.
- Check the accessories (filter system, filter, valves, skimmer, etc.) and check that they are all clean. If they need to be cleaned, you can do it with the same mixture of 1 cc of Algidelsa per 1 litter of water.
Initial treatment of swimming pool water:
- Close the drain and the skimmer valves and open the bottom cleaner valve; put the filter system up in the "emptied" position; and use the bottom cleaner.
- Fill the vessel with water, at least halfway up the skimmer.
- To condition the water, take a sample and perform a control with the test-kit to determine the pH and the concentration of chlorine (see section "Controlling and adjusting pH and chlorine"), and adjust if necessary.
- If you do not use multifunction chlorine tablets, which already have the necessary additives incorporated, add algaecide, anti-limescale and stabilizer, and if necessary, flocculant, according to the dose and instructions of use indicated in section "What is the function of the disinfectant, algaecide, flocculant, anti-limescale, descaler and stabilizer?”.
- To keep the water in optimal condition, periodically monitor and adjust the pH and chlorine levels as explained in section "Controlling and adjusting pH and chlorine".
- The control should be more frequent on very hot or stormy days, if many people have bathed, if dust, leaves, pollen, etc. have fallen (see section "Factors that alter water balance").
- If you don't use multifunction chlorine tablets, add algaecide and, if necessary, flocculant. In the middle of the season, incorporate an anti-limescale dose. All this according to the dose and instructions of use indicated in section "What is the function of the disinfectant, algaecide, flocculant, anti-limescale, descaler and stabilizer?
- The pool water must be colourless, transparent, and visually and biologically clean.
- Use the bottom cleaner through the swimming pool vessel and clean the water surface.
- Lower the pH with Acidelsa to 6.8 and empty the water level to about 10 cm below the skimmer. Do not empty all the pool water.
- Add between 2 and 3 litres of Inverdelsa for a 50 m3 swimming pool, distributing it over the surface and starting up the filter system for 8 hours.
- If the water in your area can be frozen, place floating objects of round shapes on the surface and that are half submerged (do not place wood or other materials that can decompose) and cover the pool.
- In the middle of the season, add the same proportion of Inverdelsa again.
- The pool water can be stored for several seasons if proper maintenance is carried out and the pool is prepared for winter (see section "In each season").
- It is only necessary to partially empty the pool water when it has degraded severely (see section "Problems that may arise") or when the level of cyanuric acid is too high. The concentration of cyanuric acid may raise after several treatment seasons or due to improper water renewal. An excessive amount of cyanuric acid can be detected if chlorine is no longer effective and does not increase even if more product is added to the pool. However, there are analysis tests on the market to perform a more accurate measurement.
Problems that may arise
- Check if pH and chlorine are properly adjusted, if not, correct them as explained in section "Controlling and adjusting pH and chlorine".
- After this step, wait about 24 hours and check again. Repeat the operation until the values are correctly adjusted. During this process, avoid bathing.
- The water may also turn green due to the presence of algae. In this case, apply an extra dose of Algidelsa as explained in section "What is the function of the disinfectant, algaecide, flocculant, anti-limescale, descaler and stabilizer?".
- It is likely because the pH is too high, so it needs to be adjusted (see section "Controlling and adjusting pH and chlorine").
- It is also possible that the pH is correct, and the turbidity is due to the water being very hard. In this case, add flocculant, liquid Delsafloc directly to the water or Delsafloc S in cartridges to the skimmer. Leave the pool to rest all night and the next day use the bottom cleaner (see section "What is the function of the disinfectant, algaecide, flocculant, anti-limescale, descaler and stabilizer?").
- If algae have already formed (small dark spots on the vessel), it is not enough to apply an algaecide, you must add a chlorine additional contribution.
- Brush the bottom well where you see algae.
- Control the pH and, if necessary, adjust it and perform a shock treatment (see section "Controlling and adjusting pH and chlorine").
- After these steps, wait about 24 hours and check again. Repeat the operation until the values are correctly adjusted. During this process, avoid bathing.
- Add 1 litter of concentrated Algidelsa for a 50 m3 pool, or 2 litters if diluted.
- To prevent algae from reappearing, use chlorine that incorporates algaecide or, periodically, add a maintenance dose of ½ litter of concentrated algaecide for a 50 m3 pool, or 1 litter if diluted.
- Check it with the test-kit. If chlorine is high, stop adding chlorine; the sun naturally breaks down chlorine and, consequently, lowers its concentration in the water. Check the water again after a few days until the chlorine is in the correct parameters.
- If pH is low, adjust it (see section "Controlling and adjusting pH and chlorine").
- If chlorine and pH are correct, there may be an excess of chloramines (a mixture of chlorine and organic matter), in which case follow the steps in the next section "Foam has formed on the water surface".
- Most likely, the pH is mismatched and there is presence of iron, copper, manganese, or other metal in the water (due to water quality). Adjust it as explained in section "Controlling and adjusting pH and chlorine".
- Star the filter system and add flocculant Delsafloc or Delsafloc S (see section "What is the function of disinfectant, algaecide, flocculant, anti-limescale, descaler and stabilizer?").
- The foam may be due to an excess of chloramines or algaecide.
- Empty 1/3 of the pool water and fill it with new water.
- Make an adjustment of the pH and a shock chlorination (see section "Controlling and adjusting pH and chlorine").
- It is probably due to the presence of metals in water (copper, iron, manganese, etc.).
- Follow the steps indicated in section "There are brown spots on the water surface".
Product safety
- For the Spanish Ministry of Health to approve a product, several documents must be presented, such as analyses carried out by independent laboratories and internationally standardised efficacy tests, also carried out by independent laboratories. In addition, to obtain approval, it is necessary to declare 100% of the components of the product to verify that none is harmful to health.
- All products for the treatment of swimming pool water marketed by Ercros are approved by the Spanish Ministry for Health. So must all those sold in Spain. The Ministry has enabled on its website a space where citizens can check if the product they purchase, which must have an approval number, is duly registered and in force. Click here to go to this web page.
- This situation is in the process of changing. The authorisations that appear on the website of the Spanish Ministry for Health are applicable until the entry into force of the European biocide regulations regarding products for swimming pool waters, which must replace the current authorisations.

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White papers
Here is a selection of interesting articles on chloroisocyanurates and swimming pool water treatment.
The Ercros R&T department analyses the different systems for treating swimming pool water
Research work on the inclusion of insect repellents with simultaneous perfume function in TCCA tablets.
Request for information
If you would like more information about this product or want to contact our technicians, you can do so here.

Further information
To find out more about chloroisocyanurates, visit the following links.